A young couple desperate to have a child begins treatment at a renowned doctor’s secluded facility. Danny and Marie are hopeful when their last ditch application for the exclusive “Lands Institute” is accepted. They are pampered as they settle into their therapeutic regimen which includes the Doctors unique “homeopathic remedies”. They lose track of time as psychological side effects begin to warp their perceptions of what is happening at The Institute.
Hamza Zaman
Hamza Zaman
March 2022
March 2022
I haven’t known about The Institute for very long, but I was dying to see this movie from the moment I first saw the trailer. It promised a super creepy mystery that intrigued the hell out of me so I requested a screener right away. I needed to know what was going on in this film, and now that I’ve finally seen it, I’m happy to report that it does not disappoint. Horror Obsessive
Gravitas Ventures, an Anthem Sports & Entertainment company, and Kamikaze Dogfright has acquired North American rights to The Institute, directed by award winning filmmaker and critically acclaimed playwright, Hamza Zaman’s feature directorial debut. Deadline